Kady Lyons
Tagging of adult Common Thresher Shark as part of SWFSC's juvenile shark research cruise.
Tagging of juvenile Shortfin Mako Sharks as part of SWFSC's juvenile shark research cruise.
Tagging of adult Common Thresher Shark as part of SWFSC's juvenile shark research cruise.
Contaminants & Pelagic Sharks
Pelagic Shark Contaminants
Organic contaminants as an ecological tool to examine niche partioning
Areas of Interest
Organochlorine contaminants, signatures, ecological physiology
Groups Involved
CSULB, NOAA, Stanford University
Contaminant accumulation can be influenced by a variety of factors ranging from pure ecological to physiological differences and everything between that spectrum. I am interested in exploring factors that influence contaminant accumulation by taking a multi-species approach. Current projects involve comparisons of contaminants in Shortfin Makos, Common Threshers, Blue Sharks from the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans.